What did you want to be when you grew up? For me there were various options – I wanted to be a vet, until I realised that I’m really squeamish and can’t stand the sight of blood. Then I wanted to be a pop star (as a lot of children do) until I realised that singing was not my strong suit. But I’ve never really stopped wanting to be Michaela Strachan.

And it’s not only because she’s the best part of 50 and still looks like a 25 year old. I just think she has the most amazing job ever! She gets to get up close to some of the world’s most amazing wildlife and to inspire people about how important protecting nature is. What could be better than that?

Sadly, that dream will probably never be recognised for me, but we want to make someone else’s dreams come true. As part of our new partnership with Tesco, Together For Trees, we’re launching the search for our first Rainforest Reporter. We’re offering a once in a lifetime opportunity for someone with a passion for conservation and a flair for storytelling to go to one of the amazing rainforest projects that we work on.

The winner will not only  receive an amazing trip, but they’ll also get a day's pre-trip training with adventurer Ed Stafford, hands-on experience of some of the conservation work being carried out and they’ll get to report back on their experiences via a series of blogs and videos.

So if you’ve ever looked at Michaela Strachan (or David Attenborough, Chris Packham, etc) and thought “I could do that. I want to do that!” then here’s your shot. The application opens today and closes on 23 March so get your entry in now. To find out more and to enter, click here.