Farid Zulfikar from Harapan Rainforest partner, KKI-WARSI, in discussion with community membersWe are currently holding discussions with one of the indigenous community groups living within Harapan Rainforest, at a place called Simpang Macan (Tiger Junction).

This group of 27 families is based at Simpang Macan, but moves into the forest in search of fruit, rattan, fish and game from time-to-time throughout the year. They already have their own system of forest protection laws and sanctions that forbid activities such as tubo (fishing by poisoning rivers), which attracts a fine of up to 4 goats.

The next step will be, together with the community, to map the forest areas where they practise their traditional livelihoods. After that we can develop a written agreement with the community, describing the forest use rights that have been agreed with them, and how Harapan Rainforest can further support them. This will include access to education for their children and work opportunities for adults.

We call this a Community Resource Management Agreement. There are seven in place with communities around Harapan Rainforest already, and we will roll them out to all communities that have interaction with Harapan Rainforest.