In April a ‘Friends of the Albatross’ event was held by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and BirdLife International at the Scott Polar Institute in Cambridge. The event brought together more than 80 albatross enthusiasts who gathered to hear the latest news from Cleo Small, Euan Dunn, Ben Sullivan and a special guest in the UK from Argentina - your’s truly! 

We really had an excellent set of questions and I was delighted to see how well informed everyone was about albatross conservation and the work we are doing with fisheries to save these magnificent birds. I really wanted to thank all the people who attended as it was a great experience for me. Moreover, each of the teams sent various elements related with the fishing fleet they are working with. We were therefore armed with display boards with components of fishing gear such as fishing lines, a variety of hooks, sectons of trawl cables and fishing nets, as well as mitigation measures such as tori lines, circle hooks and of course the Tamini Tabla! These display boards really made a difference and helped demonstrate to the public what our dialy work involves in teh Task Force.

I then flew straight back to South America to take part in the ATF Instructor’s workshop in Piriápolis, Uruguay so we had a pretty full-on couple of weeks. Thanks to everyone in the UK for a great time!

Editors note: apologies for the late posting of this blog!