From the 30th November to the 2nd December 2010, the ATF in Argentina and the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata-CONICET organised the second intensive observer training course for Indentification
and Recording of Seabird Interactions with Fisheries. The course was intended for fishery observers from the Commercial Vessel Observer and Sampling Programme of the National Fisheries Investigation and Development Institute (INIDEP) and was held in Puerto Quequén through the Argenitean Museum of Natural Sciences, Bernardino Rivadavia to the south of Buenos Aires.
During the first two days, Sofia Copello and Juan Pablo Seco Pon from the Vertebrate Laboratory along with myself (ATF Argentina) presented topics related to the urgency of seabird conservation with particular emphasis on albatross and petrels. We then went on to work through seabird identification in Argentina, specific protocols for fisheries and an introduction about mitigation measures. The observers were then given group activities to complete, including the production of their own seabird identification key which were then presented to the whole workshop.
We trained ten observers with different levels of experience onboard vessels, some recently starting in the programme and others with over 12 years in the job. We handed out electronic and laminated versions of educational materials aimed at informing the observers on specific aspects of seabird research, conservation awareness and including identification guides for use aboard.
On the third day, we took everyone to sea for some practical experience identifying some common seabird species onboard a fishing boat from Puerto Quequén. After a few hours steaming we were able to put into practice some of the concepts we had taught over the previous days and the observers had the chance to identify over ten species of albatross, petrels
, shearwaters, penguins, skuas and gulls.
The experience was marvellous and resulted in a great benefit for all concerned, students and teachers alike!!