For albatrosses there are no frontiers, and neither for the ATF

During the Albatross Task Force's early history and until now we couldn't have a meeting to discuss the mitigation measures and the best strategies to reach the main goal which is save the seabirds. It was therefore amazing to hold a workshop in Coquimbo, Chile, and we learned a lot from this meeting.  

Before the workshop, several ideas were being improved by researchers on how to improve the design and the bird scaring line (toriline) efficacy. Moreover, it was pretty hard to apply such models for all the fleets around the world. Cultural and language differences became a big barrier to implement such measures.

However, in 2006 the Albatross Task Force was launched, a work to be accomplished on land and at sea by experienced instructors. These professionals should help the fishermen in order to introduce the mitigation measures. Each country had developed their own tori-line over time and during the workshop in Coquimbo, we discussed several essential elements for the best effective tori-line.

Several countries participated: South Africa, Namibia, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile and Ecuador. Several experiences were presented and discussed, and Brazil and Uruguay showed a similarity between fishing gear used on pelagic longline vessels. These two delegations decided to accept the challenge to develop a better tori-line to suit both fleets.

Several preliminary meetings were made in order to start the Cruises for 2009. Now we are two countries with five instructors! One of us is already at-sea to accomplish some technical tests, between two types of tori-line, the Brazilian one, and a mixed tori-line with longer streamers. Right now we are waiting for the result of this pilot cruise in order to start our research plan.

Meanwhile we are 'ficamos a ver navios' (a Portuguese expression that means we are visiting vessels) while we wait for Caio to come back from his cruise! When you have been on the high sea several times, you become like an 'addict', as we know the beauty of the sea, we cannot stop to think about this feeling as we live in two worlds, one solid and the other liquid and I'm in love with both worlds. Living in a way that I can visualize and respect the beauty that our planet gives to us!

In 15 days I will be back to my liquid world, it will be fantastic and I promise that I shall write an emotional diary such this one!!!  

Um grande abraço a todos...