The process of spreading awareness of seabird bycatch in fisheries and the work of the ATF is a topic that is very rewarding, especially when ATF instructors from other countries are able to come and share their experiences.
The ATF recently organised the first Seabird Bycatch Symposium in Chile as part of the 10th Chilean Ornithology Congress. Leo Tamini (Aves Argentinas, the BirdLife partner and host for the ATF in Argentina) travelled to take part in the symposium and share his expertise in mitigation measures.
This gave us the opportunity to present the work of the ATF in Argentina, Chile and other countries to local students, national seabird experts, visiting scientists and relevant government authorities. This kind of activity makes a huge and positive difference in support of cooperative efforts between the ATF and local stakeholders.
Pictured left to right: Leandro Tamini (Project Leader ATF-Argentina), Oliver Yates (Coordinator, Albatross Task Force) and Luis Cabezas (Project Leader ATF-Chile). Photo: Macarena Cid.