A Ferry chilled out evening.

After a lovely day at Minsmere I thought I'd give Island Mere Hide a miss and head home to Felixstowe, where a relaxed Ferry population was waiting for me:

'You again?  That's the second time this week.'

I don't get too many photos of herring gulls looking downright fluffy.

'Please tell me you're not sharing that last photo with the general public.  Are you?'

A sandwich tern flying over.

This is as close as a gull gets to being Zen-like.

The Godfather keeps a stern eye over proceedings.

Satisfied, he starts demonstrating his remarkable flexibility.

'Happy?  I should think so.'

Even Godfathers have to rest sometimes.

This magpie has a well-earned break after thoroughly inspecting the cafe tables.

A black-headed gull resigns itself to pale-headedness for the next six months.

'I declare the mud wrestling season open.'

Finishing with this gleaming crow.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.