The big freeze at Abberton Reservoir!

What a funny day it was at Abberton.  I think it's the first time I've visited when there has been so much ice - which meant there were fewer birds about.  There were still plenty enough to be worth the visit, though:

The picture of togetherness.

The ice clearly didn't bother these mallards.

A motley population!

What has happened to this coot's foot?  Does it double as a life raft?

An intrepid mallard pair head to the water.  Yes, there was some!

'Shall I head to the feeder or shall I pose a little more?  Decisions, decisions'

The Flying Bums take to the air.

This crow decides to check out this new, hard water.

The on-street entertainment was well up to its usual standard.

This beautiful pied wagtail actually stood still.  Not for long, but long enough.

'This is fun!'

'I don't like the look of it one bit.  Much too cold and uncomfortable for me'

'You're being very sensible, dear.  Leave it to the crows to have a warped sense of fun'

A few incoming Egyptian geese.

Two stunning young swans working on their appearance.

'Oy!  It's far too early in the season for that!

I'm finishing with the beautiful buzzard, to which my photo sadly doesn't do justice.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.