Calm autumn mornings are perfect for spotting bearded tits, as the last week has shown.

Male bearded tit by Jon Evans

During October we are planning arrange a couple of early morning meanders through the reedbed in search of these delightful birds. These walks will take us off the beaten track, along raised banks through the reedbed, where public access is not usually allowed.

We may spot other secretive reedbed wildlife too, as I found out when I did a recce for the walk with our site manager yesterday. Despite heading out in the afternoon, and walking briskly as we planned a suitable route, we had good views of a bittern, peregrine and hobby as well as bearded tits - and we weren't really looking. There were hundreds of common darters and several peacocks still on the wing too. You never know: an early morning walk might even yield views of otters, red deer or Chinese water deer too.

The walks will start at 7.30 am, and the cafe will be open when we return at 9.30 am. Numbers will be strictly limited to minimise disturbance to reedbed wildlife. Costs will be £20 for RSPB members or £25 for non members (food not included). (Half price for children)

As bearded tits are much easier to see on calm mornings, we will only confirm the exact date at short notice, once a reliable weather forecast is available, and subject to my own diary. Once the date is confirmed, we'll contact anyone who has expressed an interest in joining us to check your availability.

If you like to be added to the list of enquirers for these walks, please email, including your name, email address, telephone number and prefered dates in October.

Juvenile bearded tit showing its acrobatic skills. Photo by Jon Evans