Leri finally just fledged
Just been reading this story on the BBC Newspage.
Val C said: Just been reading this story on the BBC Newspage. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-14386858
Yes and by an amazing coinicidence I may have photographed that very bird the next day.
Tiger Signature
Brilliant, Tiger. I see it had a ring but the photo given wasn't clear enough to see anything.
Yes a kind fisherman and maybe he will not leave a line out when sleeping again. Credit to him for the way he dealt with it, some would not. It is a shame the Osprey has not been identified and we know where it originated from.
A very nice pic Tiger and a lovely reminder of a brilliant holiday in the Highlands. One more reason to be thankful for today's technology.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Unusual for me but I am feeling a bit emotional today! There was a wonderful moment at osprey hq last night. When I arrived at nest XL & smaller chick were at nest & larger chick soon flew into tree next to nest. M brought in trout & for a few moments all 4 were together. M soon flew off - I'm sure for a bit of peace. I will post pics of them tonight.
I know that some nests have failed this year so feeling extra fortunate that XL & M have done so well. I am preparing myself for next months departure of XL & later M & chicks. I am disappointed that chicks were not ringed but circumstances of safety were most important. With there being such a difference in size it was feared that the larger chick may try to fly but fail & be lost in the cover below the nest.
All for now but will post pics tonight
One Life - Live It!!
Thanks Val. It is getting to that time of the season when we must say farewell to our favourite birds for this year at least. You have put so much effort into looking after your ospreys and making sure they had a nest to come back to, it is not surprising that you are emotional. I was surprised that they did not ring the chicks as I know they had difficulty finding chicks to ring as there were so many nest failures. However I suppose the reason made sense.
Meanwhile elsewhere:
Ospreys fishing off saltcot merse:http://www.wwt.org.uk/visit-us/caerlaverock/osprey-diary/ospreys-fishing-off-saltcot-merse
Here is M bringing in fish with XL in middle & smaller chick on right.
Here is bigger chick flying in to tree next to nest
Thanks Val - just superb pics. Feel free to add as many as you like!