I thought I'd start a new thread for this as I noticed Patily had been wondering about swapping phone numbers etc in time for our trip.
Just wanted to say that I don't mind organising this - my e-mail address is christinecleadon@hotmail.com and if people would like to e-mail me with their phone numbers, I am quite happy to get a list together of everyone who's going and their contact numbers and send it out to everyone once it's done.
I know you shouldn't really post e-mail addresses on here, but I never open anything suspicious looking!!!
Should be a good trip.
See my Flickr photos here
Er....I hate to say this but I don't carry a mobile phone!!
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Thanks for doing this, Christine - I have just emailed you :) Hope you don't get too much spam! When you have all the numbers you can delete the email address from your post.
My blog: http://mazzaswildside.blogspot.co.uk/
My Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/124028194@N04/
I'll agree with that, Aiki - I also think it's exceptionally nice of Christine to be doing this. I just hope she doesn't get deluged with offers of Viagra for her kindness!!
Got your details thanks Aiki!
Clare - I get those sort of e-mails in my junk anyway along with several others that are of no use to me whatsoever!!!! I just delete them without opening them!!
My female manager at my previous job used to get the Viagra ones - she actually opened them, only to find they were illustrated!! It was very, very hard to keep a straight face as she ranted her disgust to the IT manager over the kind of content appearing in her inbox. I never got emails like that and, at the time, I could quite frankly have done with the entertainment.
Lol Clare - I never got as far as opening mine!!!!
Ironically I get those emails now.....they go straight in the bin.
Clare - since you don't have a phone, we will have to work out how you're going to recognise us all. I am going to Robin Hood's Bay on a school residential trip next week (Monday to Thursday - quite looking forward to it actually!)so I won't be on the forum at all, but I will be back by the weekend to finalise all the details, and will definitely be going as my train ticket is all bought and paid for.
I'll try to get there promptly - I usually stick out a bit at 6 feet tall. I'm going to have my eyes open for other people with suitable cameras and I'll certainly have mine with me.
I'm such a plonker. Aiki is going, and we've met before. I'll be fine.