After reading about maisie and the personal murmuration,i could'nt believe my luck as i looked out of my kitchen window the starlings were above my house.I have never seen it before ,only seen pictures in our local paper,it was amazing loads of them all moving together.
Hi Littleowl,
I bet that was a wonderful sight. How many do you think there were?
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hi Sparrow,
As i reported last week it was happening not far from where i live and i had never seen it before,so it was great to see it over the top of my house .ALL i can say is there were an awfull lot of them amazing!
Our local council spent thousands of pounds trying to get rid of the starlings from the Runcorn/Widnes bridge without success. Now they appear on leaflets as a spectacular for autumn
I saw a flock of maybe 200 jackdaws this evening from my bedroom window. There may have been some carrion crows amongst them, but we tend to get a lot of jackdaws here. It was a great sight - and very noisy. I've never seen so many together before, and more and more were joining them as they flew away.
Wow,thats when you need a camera handy!
Unknown said: Our local council spent thousands of pounds trying to get rid of the starlings from the Runcorn/Widnes bridge without success. Now they appear on leaflets as a spectacular for autumn
Seems 2010 is the Year of the Murmuration! Hopefully it's good news for the starling population :)
A closed mouth gathers no foot.