Hi everyone
Have decided to buy a bird table because the ducks keep eating the food I am putting out for the birds. I don't mind them having some, but lately they are eating it all and keeping the birds from it.
Is it best to put the bird table in an open space or would it be better in the border by a fence. Also is it better to get one with a roof on it, bearing in mind last week a sparrowhawk swooped into the garden, I did'nt see it get anything but it is probably about when I am not looking.
Also do pied wagtails go on bird tables, we have got one that visits everyday.
What a wonderful world :))
HI, I have a bird table with a slate roof but the pigeons, magpies and starlings still manage to get under it. It is on the lawn but quite close to a shrubby border.
I have put it here because all of my birds seem quite nervous, they fly off as soon as they detect movement from inside the house. I cannot put it further from the house owing to the presence of an enormous trampoline which with kids getting bigger am hoping to get rid of this summer.
I have only had one wagtail visit and it did not use the table but don't know if they do or not.
Sorry this is probably not much help,
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
Has this thread been duplicated?
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
My tables are positioned so climbers grow over the roof, so large birds can't gain access and don't seem to bother. I have one open table for the larger birds.
Hi Sparrow, the original poster posted when we were having all that trouble with the site at the beginning of the week so it may be that they thought no one had noticed the first post - or even that the first post took so long to appear (s)he thought it had vanished.... Just a thought!
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Hi Squirrel, I'm certain you're right. My comment wasn't aimed at ilovebirds. I thought the gremlins were at work again, but having now looked properly I see it was posted at a different time with a slightly different heading. I think a lot of posts got missed that day, and clearly this one did.
The gremilins are back right now!!!! This is the third time I have written this message. I keep getting timed out.