I bought my last bag of peanuts from a well known trade card store and although they are free of aflatoxins a lot of them looked a bit shrivelled and dry.
Is it really worth paying more for peanuts? Do birds really prefer the Large Premium ones or doesn't it matter to them?
I have my 10% discount offer to spend and I'm trying to decide whether to switch or not.
I found that I threw quite a lot away from this last sack so maybe with peanuts you get what you pay for
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Good question Woodpecker.
I am wasting a lot of peanuts at the moment, as I have mentioned on other threads, my birds are ignoring the peanut hangers. I wonder if it is because they were cheap ones and not as fresh as they might be?
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Hi Woodpecker I never buy whole peanuts as none of my regular visitors seem to bother with them, plus they can choke young birds which means there is quite a large part of the year when I can't put them out. I get the peanut granules instead, which can be offered all year round and which the majority of birds seem to quite enjoy.
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
I agree with Squirrel. I never buy whole peanuts, just the granules.
I do buy whole peanuts because they are cheaper, but when I get home I chop them, I leave a few whole for the nut feeders.
I then mix the chopped nuts in with my seed mix, and I put some on the tables for the robins and sparrows.
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
All of my regular visitors seem to prefer the seed mix and suet and I have also thrown away the peanuts I have had in hangers. However to get rid of the rest of a bag I put them whole on the bird table and they disappeared in one day. I will probably not get any more now with spring coming.
I have noticed that in Devon where my mum is she gets through loads of peanuts and they are standard once but she has a very high volume of birds compared to me.
Do you put peanut granules in a feeder or on a table?
I've learned that I still have a lot to learn...
I put them in a feeder, which I keep just for the peanut granules and also on a table, that way the birds make their own decision what they want to eat. I have heard others, here, say they mix them with other feed.
I also use peanut granules in addition to whole ones. I mix them up in my general table mix but have never tried them in hanging feeders.
Brenda - Which birds take the granules from hanging feeders?
My jackdaws love the whole peanuts I put on the table. I will be stopping offering them this way before the breeding season.
I buy whole peanuts for my wire mesh peanut feeders but I also have a seed type feeder with peanut granules in it. The peanut granules last for ages because only the tits will eat them.
I never put out whole peanuts now because of the possibility that they might be fed to chicks, although I assume it's safe enough to put out a few in winter.
I have to have at least one peanut feeder because the woodpecker sometimes prefers peanuts to suet.
One of my peanut feeders is used almost all day, but the others just seem to be ignored. Does anyone put suet pellets in mesh feeders? I usually put them in my Droll Yankee seed feeders with several ports.
Is there a consensus of opinion that it makes no particular difference which whole peanuts you buy?
Susan H said:Which birds take the granules from hanging feeders?
Sparrow I find that only blue tits and great tits will come and take the peanut granules from my hanging feeder.
Even the starlings have a look them and then go to a different feeder (which I personally don't consider to be a bad thing...)
I get tits, sparrows, woodpeckers, starlings all eating from my peanut feeders.