The constant squabbling of the starlings and the sheer size of the pigeons could be the reason some of the smaller birds are reluctant to use my main pole feeding station, notably the tits, so I decided enough is enough and my starlings and pigeons must be moved. I have a large bird table with plenty of room for these larger birds, so I was determined they should be made to use it.
Last night, after dark, I removed the flat trays and all the goodies the starlings like from the feeding station, and put plenty of seed for the pigeons and goodies for the starlings on the bird table. I just left 3 hanging feeders for the time being - nyjer seed, sunflower hearts and my new safflower seed, plus a few nut granules, to see what would happen.
This morning, the starlings came to perch on the pinnacle and arms of the feeding station, as they always do, having a gossip, preening, and looking content. Then they looked down in total disgust at the disappearance of their trays, and I could also hear the pigeons stamping and clog dancing on the roof above me. One bright spark noticed the goodies on the table, told the others, and success!! They all went to have a good feed and were joined by the pigeons. That is all except one starling. He stayed put, looked around, then perched on the nyjer feeder and started to tuck in. He was there for ages!!!
I am determined to win this one. I will not allow the starlings to beat me!!
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
Well done Sparrow. The question now is, have you won the war or only the battle......? LOL
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Hi Sparrow, I have just read all this thread and it's very entertaining indeed, so many laughs. Glad you are getting the upper hand and the cost isn't your other arm and leg!
Susan H said:Sparrow 1 Starlings 0
Hi Sparrow
Well done you! I hope that it keeps on working.
I have broached the subject of attaching my feeder tray to the fence with OH and we're going to see what B&Q has by way of attaching it tomorrow morning.
I'm not convinvced that the 'yellow cloth' on my goldfinch flocker is working. Although my goldfinch count has doubled it was only 1 to start for the past couple of weeks. I think they prefer sunflower hearts at the moment.
I will persevere
Best wishes
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Hi Woodpecker,
Now the starlings have vacated the feeding pole apart from casual perching on the arms, I splashed out and bought a 20 port goldfinch flocker with a yellow base and lid. I put it up alongside the old small one and the sunflower hearts. Normally I get half on the nyjer and half on the sunflower hearts, then they swap over. I normally have 12 daily regulars and am hoping to increase this. Not today though! Only 2 turned up.
Can you paint the flocker base or lid?
What about cup hooks on the fence, and rings on the feeder? Or the other way round. Would that work?
Susan H said:Can you paint the flocker base or lid?
My goldfinch flocker has a yellow lid but not a yellow base. I looked into painting the base but the paint doesn't stay on. I used to get enough goldfinches on it to fill it every day, but recently they must have been going somewhere else.
Maybe they will come back. I'll just have to wait and see.
I'm not sure what we're going to use for the feeder yet. I'll know more tomorrow.