Over the last few weeks the forum has seen many requests for birds to be identified, which has been brilliant and challenging for all members concerned.
For anyone who is totally new to birding it can be quite daunting trying to identify a bird especially if you are surrounded by experienced birders.
It is extremely difficult also for those who are attempting to identify a bird, when given very little imformation.
e.g. what's this small brown bird in my garden?
I hope that information below, helps all birders at all levels.
What you should remember is learning to identify birds is fun, difficult and frustrating.
A field guide can help you attach a name to most of the birds you see, if you don't have a field guide with you then identification is somewhat harder.
With the age of computers there are also many online bird identifiers that can assist in making an ID.
This link will take you to the RSPB identifier http://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdidentifier/
You will also learn that many of the birds you see just can't be identified with 100% certainty. But with practice, you should at least be able to narrow your ID down to the correct family -- was it a Sparrow or a Thrush?
When trying to identify a bird, there are a number of questions that you could ask yourself to aid identification:
1. What is the size of the bird? Is it a similar size to a bird you already know?
2. What is the shape of the bill? Is it long and slender, short and stumpy? Does the bill curve? If so does it curve up or down?
3. Are there any unusual characteristics, such as a crest?
4. Does the bird appear slender or is it rotund?
5. What is the colouring? Are there any unusual patterns to the colours or feathers?
6. Are the legs short or long in comparison to the bird's body?
7. What colour are the legs?
8. What habitat is it in? Does this match what is said your field guide?
9. Does the bird appear solitary? Or is it within a large flock?
It is always recommended that indentification should be taken place whilst looking at the bird in question; however you may not always have your bird identification book with you.
Once you have gained some confidence, the next thing is to start and identify birds by thier calls and songs.
The links below will take you to a website of British Garden Birds
I have included a link to the quiz section were you can test yourself on Calls & Songs and Photographs.
I hope this will help, also remember don't be afraid to ask any questions.
If any member has any other ideas drop me a note and I will edit this post to include as much advice as possible.
Regards Buzzard
Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way
Hi Buzzard
Great idea for a thread.
Can I say that I see half of your post in blue with Black text
Anyone else see that at the moment.
It makes the post hard to read. {eek}
Kathy and Dave
Hi Kathy, I don't know what is going on!
It was all typed in the normal place, hit the post button and it is all over?
I have deleted it, edited it but to no avail!!!!
Don't know if I should try again!!
I think i'm getting better at identify birds, but I give up on bird songs
Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!
Thanks Buzzard for these tips. I'm sure they will help a lot of people new to this hobby. With me it is binoculars that are most important, even if the birds is only a few feet away. They make the colours of the beak and legs, and the markings on the body much easier to distinguish.
What on earth has gone wrong with the layout of this thread?
Cheers, Linda.
See my photos on Flickr
I am still 'blue' on here, so to speak but at least I can make out the comments jsut and no more
I will manage to add to this thread somehow,
So no worries!
Sparrow so you are seeing 'Blue' too {thought I was seeing doubles here)?
Yes Blackbird, I'm seeing blue, and I'm also back to front - with Buzzard's post last on the list!
Hi Sparrow
Yes, Buzzard is last instead of first here too.
Buzzard is normal white as usual, everyone else has a Blue background with Black Text {eeekk}
How was it for you Buzzard {LOL wink}
Think we have been on the wacky backy!
This has happened on the main LG Weekly page and I think it had something to do with links but the tech people will adjust it tomorrow. The whole site has problems at the moment. Also if the page is continued to be used and this page is finished, page2 will be normal. Buzzard's post is all white now and the rest is blue.
Thanks Buzzard! Some great pointers there!! Perhaps this thread could be moved to the 'identify this' forum, so that people can refer to it maybe even before asking help with ID?
Edit: All looks good now! Thanks Katie!!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
Thanks Katie.