Who eats corn?

Hello again,

One thing that came out of the bad weather was a greater awareness of who eats what and what 'they' want. Various mixes suite different collections of birds ~ everybody loves 'sunflower heart', Goldfinch go mad for nyjer seed, tits and blackcaps love suet.


No matter how cold or what is on offer the corn always stays behind! No, not even the pigeons will eat it. So I collect it at the ned of a few days and throw it on the garage roof where the crows pick it over but I can see that corn still stays! So in a multi million pound bird feeding industry fuelled by fabulous programs like Springwatch, Autumnwatch and now Snowwatch, all backed up by special watching days and the brilliant work of the RSPB the question still stays for me. who eats corn?

Does yours get eaten, can you share who eats it. Manufacturers always say in large print NO CORN but never mention when they do add it!

Bring it on . . . . . .
