Think you should all go and have a look at Mark Avery's latest blog and click on his link ,;agressive article' and see what the Angling Times thinks of us and the RSPB. A nasty incident occurred and the author tars us all with the same brush. I may be wrong but I think the article was written by A. ***
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Spike Milligan
Well, I expect the author feels better now he's got that off his chest but it could be some time before he writes another article as he'll be ages picking up all the toys he threw out of his pram!
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Wow, strong evidence for male PMT there!Using one event to tar all people with the same brush is appauling, immature and just plain stupid especially when the motives of the attacker are completely unknown. I suspect Mr Bitter was sat waiting for something like this so he could have his little anti-birdwatchers rant.
Millie & Fly the Border Collies