Bring Back the Snow!

It is so dull an miserable today, just like yesterday it's hardly getting light at all!  Bring back the snow!  We have no snow left now, just patches of ice where snow used to be and my dog is now all upset!

  • last Februarys snows had a really drastic effect on the dartford warblesr and it only lasted a few days.  It is really sad, but ,some will survive and as long as their habitats are protected they will go on to breed and provide good genes for future populations.  We can't do anything about the weather but we can and should protect the environs on which these wee creatures depend.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 21/01/2010 01:42 in reply to Susan

    Hi Susan

    I watched 'Snow Watch' for the second time on BBC I-Player.  As viewers we know there was an article about Dartford Warblers.

    Some human intervention was needed to assist the birds through thr recent cold snap - they are such specialist feeders and are not easy to help.

    So some mealworms where placed nearby so the birds would hopefully eat them - I really hope that they did!


    Kathy and Dave

    Susan said:

    last Februarys snows had a really drastic effect on the dartford warblesr and it only lasted a few days.  It is really sad, but ,some will survive and as long as their habitats are protected they will go on to breed and provide good genes for future populations.  We can't do anything about the weather but we can and should protect the environs on which these wee creatures depend.


  • But for the snow I would have missed the fieldfares demolishing the crab apples in my garden because

    1 I would have been in work

    2 They would have missed out my garden! The tree has been there for 15 years

    I agree about the light. When it started raining it looked so gloomy and dismal,