Bring Back the Snow!

It is so dull an miserable today, just like yesterday it's hardly getting light at all!  Bring back the snow!  We have no snow left now, just patches of ice where snow used to be and my dog is now all upset!

  • I agree Kat, at least it was light with the white stuff everywhere.

  • Bah Humbug I cry.

    Thank goodness the snow has gone.

    This country can't cope with a mere 4 -6 inches, gridlock on all of our roads, airports cancelling flights, the mail crisis etc etc

    It has cost the economy billions of pounds, and numerous fatalities.

    The wildlife mortality was reaching crisis levels, come on!!!! more snow no thanks.

    I agree it looks nice when it's white, other than that good riddance.

    Regards a miserable Buzzard

    Nature Is Amazing - Let Us Keep It That Way

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 20/01/2010 00:15 in reply to Buzzard

    I feel the same Buzzard {thumbs up}

    I am pleased that the snow is gone.  There is some more snow due tomorrow according to the weather 2-5cm of snow coming across the country from Taunton direction to the Central England.

    I really hope that the snow has died out by the time it reaches Bedford.


    Kathy and Dave

    Buzzard said:

    Bah Humbug I cry.

    Thank goodness the snow has gone.

    This country can't cope with a mere 4 -6 inches, gridlock on all of our roads, airports cancelling flights, the mail crisis etc etc

    It has cost the economy billions of pounds, and numerous fatalities.

    The wildlife mortality was reaching crisis levels, come on!!!! more snow no thanks.

    I agree it looks nice when it's white, other than that good riddance.

    Regards a miserable Buzzard


  • Yeah it's good the snow has gone, but there is more on it's way :-(

    Hey farmer, farmer, put away the D.D.T now. Give me spots on my apples, but leave me the birds and the bees, please!

  • Yes, I was glad to see the back of it. Enough was enough.

    Unfortunately,in central southern England we're right in the path of the next lot.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 20/01/2010 00:27 in reply to Janet

    I just need some decent daylight, I have taken to sitting with my gecko's under their U.V light. I think I have Seasonal Affected Disorder. I'm so miserable at the moment, I go to work in the dark & come home in the dark, spend break duty in the dark as it still isn't properly light at 10.30 & 12.30 in the daytime.

  • Buzzard said:

    Bah Humbug I cry.

    Thank goodness the snow has gone.

    This country can't cope with a mere 4 -6 inches, gridlock on all of our roads, airports cancelling flights, the mail crisis etc etc

    It has cost the economy billions of pounds, and numerous fatalities.

    The wildlife mortality was reaching crisis levels, come on!!!! more snow no thanks.

    I agree it looks nice when it's white, other than that good riddance.

    Regards a miserable Buzzard

    Please, the wildlife probably thinks we're all a bunch of wusses cowering inside our central-heated houses in fear of the "cold white stuff" rather than getting on with things as normal!  I dread to think what Brits do when they go on these skiing holidays, probably hang their heads in shame that there are places in the world that get more snow that we do and still get on with life as normal!

    And in the summer it will be a massive heatwave causing massive disruption, and in spring and autumn too much rain.  The weather can't win lol 

    I think my dog is suffering from snow-withdrawl symptoms hehe


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 20/01/2010 00:42 in reply to KatTai

    Hi Kat

    Exactly we are a bit OTT when it comes to snow and dealing with the white stuff.

    The weather is here, there and everywhere compared to what it was in the 70's.

    The seasons where seasons and summers .... summers

    A friend of mine who lives in Aberdeen sent me this snowy picture from a scene in 1908

    Now that is what I call snow!!!


    Kathy and Dave

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 20/01/2010 00:51 in reply to Anonymous

    Oh my GOSH! Blackbird, that is a fantastic pic!!

    May be worth a fortune in years to come.

  • I was sick of the sight of it, really, it was making me feel ill - I'm Cornish, we're not cut out for such cold temperatures! I rejoiced when the last little bits of snow had melted. Can't stand the stuff.