What a lot of posts!

Hi folks,

What a lot of posts we are getting at the moment. There are so many I can't keep up with them all!!!!!

This has to be a good thing, and will make the forums very diverse, but OMG it is hard work keeping up!!!

Cheers, Linda.

See my photos on Flickr

  • I know Sparrow, I just stay on the 'most recent posts' page. I only trawl through if it's quiet.

  • Ditto Sparrow

    I feel that I am being unsociable at times and not answering people who have worthy posts and posted lovely pictures to look at {sorry all if I missed anyone out}

    We will get there in the end

    Maybe once the snow is gone the traffic on the RSPB will quieten down


    Kathy and Dave

    Susan H said:

    Hi folks,

    What a lot of posts we are getting at the moment. There are so many I can't keep up with them all!!!!!

    This has to be a good thing, and will make the forums very diverse, but OMG it is hard work keeping up!!!


  • I totally agree Sparrow!! I can't keep up either! Especially with 8 pages of "posts you have not read" from the weekend!!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • A big LOL ! I was thinking the same, but atleast there has been some good advice gone out and may also make a few more peolple aware of whats around us all the time ' the birds'.


    If it aint broken, dont fix it !.... all good things come to those who wait !

  • Mmmm dunno, the site is new and the RSPB has over 1m members and as the word spreads (hang about just spotted two collared doves mating). Right where was I, oh yes errrrr maybe posts will get buried before they are read. What a pessimistic person I am. :)


    “A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”

  • Hello.

    To be honest I wouldn't actually worry about not being able to post in all the threads.  To me it's a good thing that there are lots of posts as it shows how popular this forum is.  I'll admit I used to get a bit worried about not being able to reply in everything but now my only worry is puting a reply in the wrong post.  I suppose that's why all my replies are written in Notepad, before I post them. :-)


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 13/01/2010 00:21 in reply to Heron77

    Lol at Snap Happy,

    I wish I could have a conservatory on the back of my kitchen so I could have a comfy sofa & watch the birds whilst on my lap top (on here).