Hi everyone! I was just wondering if anyone (like me) has birds that they recognise (and even name) as the biggest characters in your garden. For example, I have an incredibly tame Dunnock (I didn't tame him, he's always been this way) who hopps around my feet pickinging up the seed when I'm refilling feeders. I'm always afraid I'll stand on him! He's very feisty, and tells the Starlings off when they try to bully him away from his food. I can't imagine my garden without him! Does anyone else have a bird or birds like this?Hedgy:
I used to live in Surrey PeregrineRhi, when I was there, my rabbits had their own large area of the garden fenced off. Rabbits can be quite territorial and I had a poor wood pigeon who quickly had to learn assertiveness skills & stand his ground.
PeregrineRhi said: OOh I forgot to mention the robin that sings at night on here (only remembered as he just started.) can go on until the early hours!There is a big street lamp outside, mounted on a wall, and he stands on that... maybe he thinks it's daytime?
OOh I forgot to mention the robin that sings at night on here (only remembered as he just started.) can go on until the early hours!There is a big street lamp outside, mounted on a wall, and he stands on that... maybe he thinks it's daytime?
It's quite common for robins to sing all through the night, especially in cities/places where it doesn't get exceptionally dark. We used to have one who sat in a bush under a street light opposite the house, he would sing me a lullaby most nights! I often hear a blackbird singing away softly at night too :)
That's unusual, peregrine. I've known them to sing from in trees all night but not sitting on top of a lamp. Would have thought it too open - and an open invitation for an owl maybe?
My biggest garden character is the one female Blackbird. She seems to be somewhat of the boss and is very full of confidence. She'll be the only one who will sit on the fence when I'm out there and make the chattering/churp/chuckle type noises Blackbirds make, while flicking her tail. Actually we have never had a Blackbird here who is as noisy and the way she is.
I've seen said Blackbird whip all manner of birds into shape in our garden and most keep out her way - especially the male Blackbirds, she's forever chasing them!
Not many of our birds have gotten civilised if you get what I mean, they still scatter when I go out (the Sparrows ill sit in the tree chattering away at me but never getting too close). We did once have a very friendly Robin, who was getting more and more confident and I'm sure if I'd have spent more time outside with him he would have gotten very close.
Here's a photo of him from May 2007
Unknown said: OOh I forgot to mention the robin that sings at night on here (only remembered as he just started.) can go on until the early hours!There is a big street lamp outside, mounted on a wall, and he stands on that... maybe he thinks it's daytime?
Oops I didn't realise there was a rule about off topic posts. Sorry. Paul I love you robin picture!
Oh he's got so much character in his face the way he is tilting his head
Thanks for your comments Peregrine and Birdmum :o)
I was surprised how friendly he actually was considering at some point in his life he'd been attacked judging by that big scar on his chest, if anything I'd have thought he'd have been terribly shy.
Think it shows what a strong little character he was :o)
PeregrineRhi, I didn't mean that. I just meant that there are people, who are discussing (not this Forum) light pollution and the saving of power. Some places are experimenting and switching off street lights at c. midnight. Sorry if I confused you. Now back to your topic............
It wasn't your post that made referance to going off topic Brenda. Your post was very relevant about looking at the threads about light pollution.
I wasn't aware there were rules about going off topic either PeregrineRhi.
I'm still wondering if OTT meant Over The Top.
In the nature of conversation, it is very easy to go slightly off topic.
Hi Paul
I love your story and your Robin picture is so cute
Robins know how to play with our emotions as they do. They sit on our shovels, window sills, and our wheelie bins just to be noticed. They do the trick each and every time.
We never tire of our birds, as they are so unique in their own way
Kathy and Dave