A frosty Wiltshire morning

We had a lovely sunny but frosty morning here today and there were lots of birds in the garden, on the feeders and in the trees.  Saw a great spotted woodpecker at the feeding station and a yellowhammer on the lawn but I was too slow with camera for either of them.  I did manage to photograph a wren though.  Something I had almost given up trying to do as they never stay still for long enough!  There were also blackbirds, blue tits, chaffinches, greenfinches, goldfinches, collared doves, woodpigeons, a magpie, a thrush and the best surprise of all, a redwing.  I have seen them out in the countryside in flocks but this one was on its own and in my lilac tree.  Brilliant!  I managed a few photos of my feathered friends before I nipped off to work.


There is something new to learn everyday...


  • WOW! SB, brilliant photos. You had a lovely variety of visitors there. Very well done on capturing the wren. That is another bird I have yet to see in my garden.

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • Excellent set of pics SB!! Especially love the redwing! Superb!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Nice one SB, a good collection to start the day with, well done and thanks for sharing. I have problems with Wrens not keeping still! Good one.

    For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.

  • Lovely way to start your day SB. Thanks for the Fab. photos. I also love the redwing photo. 

  • Hello.

    That's a fantastic set of pictures SB.  Thanks for sharing.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • thank you indeed!

    Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]

  • Ah lovely photos - I love the Redwing one especially as I have never seen one. 

  • I also love your pics, Kezmo says the 1st one is a Redwing,  I have also never seen one before. :-)

    Sadly I go to work in the dark, and come home in the dark.

  • Thanks for sharing these SB. What a wonderful start to your day, and fabulous photos. I will be different and say I like the collared dove best.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 18/12/2009 05:01 in reply to Sparrow

    Hi SB

    Fabulous shots and that would put a cheery smile on a bird lovers face any time.

    Love the Redwing, Female blackbird, and the Song Thrush a whole lot.  The Wren is a cutie.

    Just love them all {smile}

    I am sure that the cold weather will bring out the birds to our feeders now and who can blame them {brr weather}

    Get the cameras ready everyone.


    Kathy and Dave