I have a Quail in the garden

And I was wandering what I can do about it. She popped in a few days ago and stayed the night. I put out some seed, bread and water for her, and in the morning she appeared to have gone. I should point out I have a very small garden as well as a small westie dog that dosen't like the fact that a quail has taken up residence in his garden.

So the quail seemed to go away for a day, and then returned the next day. She seems unhurt, but she stayed the night in the garden again, and this morning she's still here. She's a real character and seems completly unperturbed by me and my dog, but I need my garden back again as Basil my dog just sits at the back door whining to look at the quail all day.

I'm thinking I should try and catch the bird and put her in a box then take her to a field and release her, but wanted a more experienced opinion.

Thanks for any sugestions you may have.