I thought you might like to meet our Jack - he is my son's puppy but I babysit while he is at work - he loves to watch the birds feed but is a little frightened of the woodpigeons and jackdaws. Jack has had a busy day today - he ate my visa debit card and my cheque book this morning and has been helping to strip wallpaper this afternoon mmmmmmmmm. I always say people who don't care about animals of all kinds are not my type of folk but this little chap is definitely trying my patience!
Ahhh lucybob he's absolutely lovely! What a cutey. Is he a Jack Russell (der....Jack!). My sister has one and he's a handful too! chewed up my scarf, shoes, took off with the remote control when he was round ours and we haven't found it since but very helpfully came back with a corderline leaf stem!
Awww he is so adorable!
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
A real cutie!
Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]
Hi Kezmo - yes he is a Jack Russell and as he wont ever be aloud to hunt or kill anything I suppose we will have to get used to him devouring our possesions although we give him loads to play with its always what he cant have he most wants!
Hey, what's a bit of wallpaper, think of the entertainment value ☺ He's gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.
The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!
Cute puppy - forgive him at this age, but hope he improves!!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Absolutely gorgeous Lucy! I love Jacks! Lived with 3 some years ago and they always kept us entertained!!Little dogs = big characters!
"All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)
My photos on Flickr
hi Lucy
He has got that face of one cutie pie
It is although he is talking with his eyes, and he is telling you he loves his ball.
How old is he?
Kathy and Dave
Hi everyone - If Jack could read he would have an even bigger ego - thank you for all your lovely comments. How right you are Marjus - something so small with so much enthusiasm and determination - we have our own lurcher/collie cross and she towers over him but he is with her every inch of the way! He was 3 months old when the photo was taken Blackbird and that we just a couple of weeks ago and already he has grown some. I have been teacing him to love squirrels this morning - not an easy task as they move about so quick and that's right up Jack's street - he looks at them then back at me and I shake my head and he sort of shrugs the urge off and goes back to his toys! Our mouse who lives in the potting shed (who got in the bedroom drawerer earlier) sits and watchs him from the safety of the bench - I can't believe how laid back this mouse is!
Ahh! He is very sweet.
My parents-in-law used to have Jack Russells and they were devils for chewing things. (The dogs not the in-laws!) One of them, named Kiwi, chewed the handles off my handbag once when OH and I were courting. OH didn't replace the handbag and I've never let him forget it! lol!
OH and his brothers used to over excite the dogs by shouting "squirrels" when everybody was having a nice quiet rest after Sunday lunch. Much excited yapping ensued...
There is something new to learn everyday...