Anyone have any wildlife "DOH!" moments to share?
I have two that I can think of right now so I'll start...
I was on the Island of Arran walking up Goat Fell. Low down on the path there were three buzzards (these were all definately buzzards!) soaring around in the sky. As I continued up, one 'buzzard' continued to follow me up the path. I continued on seeing slow worms and common lizards, all the while with this 'buzzard' in the sky above soaring around. A raven was hopping around the rocks and I stopped to watch them (had a DOH moment with a raven as well so that will be three DOH moments I can think of!) as I watched the raven it flew up towards the 'buzzard'. It was then, with the raven for comparison, I realised that there was no way that was one of the buzzards that had followed me up from lower down, it dwarfed the raven and was actually a golden eagle! The eagle, once it's identity was discovered, swooped down along the side of the mountain and vanished into the mist!
So be warned, buzzards and golden eagles play switcharoo games to torment us lol When the eagle replaced the buzzard I have no idea! I always keep checking that buzzards are actually still buzzards and not something else now lol
Anyone else have any DOH! moments they'd like to share?
Millie & Fly the Border Collies
Most of my top moments involve Owls. One time while walking in the grounds of Blair Atholl Castle, I had been pointing out the possibilities of where to find owls roosting, to my family. They were all having a good laugh as each possible blob turned out to be a log or some such.
Just as I was giving up I saw another possibility but this time unsure I said look down there. pointing at a shadowy shape about forty feet away. low down against the wall of the castle garden was an obvious log about ten foot or so long. one end turned up and looking to me like an Owl, I said there a log that looks like an owl.
I invited them to walk down the path towards the 'log' and not wasting any chance to poke fun at me they all went for a closer look. Not me I stayed put and watched the log for my distant spot. as they got half way the log moved turned its head right at me. It was as if it winked at me and then flew off, in the opposite direction. (I HAVE NO PICTURE!)
Now none of the people who know me ignore my possible sightings. But I still make many mistakes involving logs!
Another of my better sightings of Owls is on this forum. Check the history "all creatures" threads,
John :-)
For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.
Lol KatTai & HM! Envious of the eagle sighting - have looked out for eagles on Arran on a few occasions but no luck so far - then again, there WERE some big buzzards.... ;-)
Make the boy interested in natural history if you can; it is better than games [Robert Falcon Scott]