The Sea !

Hi all, don't know about you but the one place I love to be near is the sea, the one place I can sit for hours just watching it, the one place I feel at piece with myself and contemplate life itself.

I am no Photographer but here are a few I have taken quiet recently. Feel free to put your sea pictures on here.

I thank you ;-)

You can almost smell it.



Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

I spelling's crap !!

  • Spot on andrewa.

    The Southwold lighthouse. Southwold is such a lovely oldie worldie type seaside town and is well worth a visit. We have had some lovely holidays there over the years, and is only 15 minutes from Minsmere ;-)

    Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

    I spelling's crap !!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 21/09/2011 21:36 in reply to Big Robbo 27

    Used to live just a few miles from Southwold Robbo and have spent many hours there. Super place


  • Unknown said:

    Yes Linda - I got there!! had a wonderfful time looking up all my favourite places and the two houses we lived in! Found the spot where my brother and I had our best "den". My OH really induged me on a very nostalgic trip!

    Thanks for your help in getting me there!


    I'm glad you managed to get there, Jenni, and happy I may have helped in some small way!! Ain't nostalgia great!!!


    I like the look of Southwold - in fact we are staying not far from there at the end of April next year. Nearer the time I shall be after some tips and advice!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • You should enjoy the area around Southwold Sparrow,smashing bit of coast and some great birding.


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Hi Seaman -I've been offline for nearly 48 hours as my emails were hacked and a trojan given me as a goodwill gesture!!!!! That's a pity about the hotel as it's very handy for Mershead and lots of other places for geese etc. The birds in the pics are Curlew and Redshank. The air was just filled with their calls as well as Oystercatchers. I just love those sounds!


    God gave us two ears and one mouth for a very good reason!

  • Hi Linda, if you get a chance a visit to Southwold is a must, here's a few tasters

    The sea front taken from the pier, the town still has a victorian feel to it and as yet has not been commercialised (thankfully)

    The Good old English beach hut

    The beach from the harbour end ( honest the sun does shine usually)

    The beach is immaculate and very clean.

    It's also a great place for beach fishing and watching for sea birds.




    Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

    I spelling's crap !!

  • Oh Robbo, love the beach huts.  Are they privately owned or leased?

    Caroline in Jersey

    Cin J

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 23/09/2011 08:28 in reply to Germain

    Great shots Robbo adn brings back great memories. Have you been up the lighthouse? I have a couple of shots from the top somewhere I'll try to dig them out and post.

    Caroline the huts are privately owned and change hands at +/- 40,000 pounds a go!!!!


  • Hi Andrew.

    We went up a couple of years ago ...after having a couple of pints of Adnams Broadside in the Lord Nelson pub,  Can't really remember much about it !!!!! lol

    Hi Caroline.

     As Andrew said the beach huts are worth a fortune and it's very rare that they are up for sale. They are passed down through the familys usually.

    Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

    I spelling's crap !!

  • Here's one from the Essex seaside resort Walton-on-the-Naze, taken yesterday. Plenty of Seaweed on the steps, Seaweed soup anyone ??


    Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

    I spelling's crap !!