The Sea !

Hi all, don't know about you but the one place I love to be near is the sea, the one place I can sit for hours just watching it, the one place I feel at piece with myself and contemplate life itself.

I am no Photographer but here are a few I have taken quiet recently. Feel free to put your sea pictures on here.

I thank you ;-)

You can almost smell it.



Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

I spelling's crap !!

  • Sorry....there's a bug making duplicate posts !!!

    Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

    I spelling's crap !!

  • Oh yes, great stuff. I can almost smell and hear it ;-))

    Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

    I spelling's crap !!

  • It looks as though it is building to the best surf of the year so far.  We left at about 4.30 and  the 'big boys' were still arriving - I think they were expecting some 'tubes' on the falling tide and it looked promising

    Cin J

  • Just saw a temporary article on CNN"s website.     Even is this link works, the article may be gone so I have quoted the gist of it here.

    "darkseed 31 shares photo of ...tide at Torrey Beach State Park, San Diego, Calif...water looks electrified when waves crash...sand leave glowing taken 9-27-2011"

    "iReport  a strong red tide...causing brilliant neon blue bioiluminescence that's visible at night as tiny light producing organisms get stirred up as waves break."

    The  photo accompanying the article is nothing compared to the scene my husband and I witnessed one dark night at Nags Head North Carolina. Wish we had photos, but do not.

    Medium high waves were rolling in and breaking further out than usual so it was a lively scene.  But the fantastic part was that as far as the eye could see the ocean GLOWED BRIGHT PURPLE.  The whitecaps on the breaking waves glowed white or lavender.  Never have I seen a more AWE inspiring sight.

        We inquired the next day & were told no one was sure of the cause, they thought maybe microscopic organisms and it happened now & then at irregularly occurring intervals.

    I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this phenominum?

  • Hi June, I have heard of this phenominum and remember seing a tv programme a few years back documenting it and was mentioned it was caused by reflection in microscopic organisms. But I have never been or likely to be lucky enough to see something like that.

    I think it's called  "Bioluminescence" or something like that.

    Feed The Birds....not the cats!!!!

    I spelling's crap !!

  • I have been to the same place  many times  at different times of year, also many other locations along our eastern coast as well as various locations in California & Hawaii.  Never before or since did I see the "Purple Ocean".  When we did see it, it was the one night only.  A fantastic sight to be remembered a lifetime!

    This small article today was the first I had ever heard mention of it.

  • Great pics  :0)


    Couldn't delete :0)



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • Great pics guys   :0)



    An optimist sees the beauty of the complete rose.A pessimist sees only the thorn .

  • This is such a lovely thread! I'm sure among all the bird lovers here there are also many who have a deep love and appreciation of the sea.  I'm hopeful that some of those people will have photos and special memories to share with us here.