Hope this is posted in correct place, and not expecting specific recommendations as in make/model, just some ideas please ?
I have recently moved from an apartment with balcony (on which I fed many species of bird, but was ultimately driven crazy by pigeons monopolising and making an absolute mess everywhere !) to a house with a decent back garden. Merlin is already picking up 20-15 species in an hour, so would be hopeful there is some varied birdlife there.
With winter drawing near, would really like to provide 1 or 2 birdhouses for some to winter in, but i am a total novice, no idea what to by, whether we need to line it with anything, and whether we also need to put food inside ? Also, we were looking to hook them onto a kind of trellis at the back of the garden, to hopefully deter both cats and pigeons ?
Would really welcome any advice on this.
Thank you
Hey there,
Not an expert by any means, but nice to hear you are wanting to provide for the birds, I hope I am able to help!
Most garden birds won't actually use bird houses to winter or roost in, as naturally they 'roost' or sleep in safe places like hedges and trees. Bird houses provide nest sites for some species of bird (particularly those that naturally nest in cavities), so you may still want to provide a few of these in the garden for the next breeding season. You would want to securely attach these to a sheltered location, and a reasonable distance off. the ground. Also consider ensuring there are no places where cats can climb onto and reach in. There is more precise information online about the specific recommendations for nest boxes, should you want more guidance, such as https://www.bto.org/how-you-can-help/providing-birds/putting-nest-boxes-birds/putting-nest-box.
You won't need to put food inside these, as you want to encourage natural foraging behaviour, but you can supplement them with bird food, just make sure the feeders are a considerable distance away from the nest box! Birds will also line and build their own nests, as well as remove soiled bedding etc where necessary! Some birds may use these nests to rest in, but typically 'bird houses' are only for laying eggs, as in the wild, a nest is vulnerable place for a bird to be, typically due to predation.
I hope I have understood your question, please let me know if there is anything else I can help with or if you have any more questions! :)