How many redundancies?

I've just heard (and I really hope this is wrong) that the RSPB is making mass redundancies on all of its staffed reserves, potentially as many as two thirds of staff.  I hope an official update is coming out soon as I feel the membership should know exactly what is happening - and why it is happening.

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Not sure liking is quite how I'd like to respond, it's more an acknowledgment to the posting. I hadn't long seen Mark Avery's mention of the redundancies. I think I can safely say the RSPB isn't alone as far as conservation organisations having financial issues either.

  • Mike B said:
    Not sure liking is quite how I'd like to respond, it's more an acknowledgment to the posting.

    Yeah, I get that.  It's terrible, isn't it?  

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • When Martin Harper who left the RSPB and his position was never replaced when he left and that position was never replaced and his position was never replaced!  Also a lot more redundancies over recent years. Maybe have a look at the financial position wil give you an idea why. Lots of  teenagers getting free admission, some of the cafe’s at RSPB reserves cutting back on they have on the menu. Some reserves getting  far fewer visitors in general. Saltholme had cut bank on there menus. Caurlaverock  the WWT reserve have closed there cafe except in school holidays. Just a few of the problems. A less people paying the admission f fee! What do you expect. I didn’t want to say as it was popular the decision at the time. But less paying the admission fee! What do you expect!

