The First Time I Saw

I have been birdwatching for as long as I can remember, all the way back to when I was a little boy growing up in South Africa. Over the last 40 years, it has developed into a hobby that has brought me joy and excitement and great satisfaction - and, occasionally, a certain degree of frustration! It became my main source of mindfulness long before I ever heard the word. And it has helped me to forge a closer and more meaningful relationship with the natural environment that I hold so dear.

In this thread, I am going to share my memories of spotting certain species of bird for the first time. Many of these memorable experiences were at RSPB reserves, but others took place on wine estates in South Africa or while backpacking around South America!

I hope you will enjoy reading my recollections, perhaps over a cup of tea and a slice of cake! And I hope they will stir your own memories or inspire you to create new ones of your own.

Please do post any feedback you have.
