Concern about RSPB to build houses at nature reserve

Article in link above as in the  title of this thread!



  • From what I've read, the development is not inside the area of the reserve. And it may be that people in the vicinity are worrying about seeing a perceived drop in their property values because of this.

     A bit of a grey area.

  • I’m just posting that link to that article and maybe others might know more.



  • I know that area well. I really do think that local planners need to be both sensible and proactive.....(I know what you're thinking!) was stated many times that local authorities have targets to meet.....but can meet them however they want.....that area is totally the wrong place for housing estates. Transport is not good enough being one easy example. Cats and nesting stone curlews won't end well. Nor dog walkers for that matter. Doesn't matter if it's not immediately on the reserve. There are other less unsuitable areas in that region, which locals will know about. There have to be compromises anyway.....RSPB will have tough decisions to make, as will Green MPs. If you don't want pylons, houses, roads, nuclear etc etc etc.....all fine and good in principle....but there needs to be alternatives rather than just, "No" or anti whatever.