Leighton Moss rspb - finally getting new lower hide !

Well, at long last I've just had an update to say that Lower Hide which is beyond tatty and been there for over three decades is finally going to be replaced this autumn  !!     

HERE'S the update for those who haven't had the email notification.      So excited that there will be an accessible hide to all visitors and it will be bigger and better :)

So excited and it's not even built yet LOL.   


Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks for that Hazel 

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • That's brilliant news.

    One of these days I'll get to Leighton Moss

  • Although the hide won't be ready until sometime November onwards,  we try to get there around mid October as it's a great time to see the Bearded Reedlings as they head for the grit trays and you can often photograph them on the reed heads as they approach the trays;  often people are all focused on movement in the reeds as they make their way to the trays when occasionally you can turn around and see them on the footpath  !!!    One day I counted 17 of them taking the grit from the paths we were standing on. !!     Let us know if you head there Mike and we'll do our best to catch up with you.  


    Regards, Hazel