Labour Government plans for much more building of homes(including renting) in the UK!

In the link above! How it will work. Not sure! Also building in rural areas as well as in urban area’’s’. National Government will be more involved and less from local government/local authorities. I’ve got my concerns. Where will this development take place in the UK? But this country does need more housing. The question is where will this development take place in the UK?



  • From the short time I have lived in the UK, I know most of what the government says is BS, lies or nonsense.

    Don't let it worry you, don't fall for it, ignore it, and just enjoy feeding and looking after the birds!

    1. How can you be so sure! Ate you  talking as a polical party activist or member. Or  if you’re not!! How you know that for certain! Also how long have beeb birdwatching.  There are lots of members on this forum as well been members longer than me. It’s not  just putting bird feeders out. At least give a constructive reply and with  a source  with evidence in what you say.



  • As I said, don't let it worry you. Let it go.

    • Well do you think that the present government will in rese housing as they seem to suggest. You replied to my thread and I  think that you should reply with a constructive answer? Tell me why! The last government could not be trusted in many ways. You replied to my email and I’m not worried at all about your rrply. But with your reply you seemed to suggest it won’t happen. But if you want to bring politics in. Leaving the EU was a massive mistake r to conservation and wildlife. But the UK voted to leave. But although there was a majority to leave, a large number who voted to leave have now said that they wish that they never voted to leave. But despite that I would not suggest having another similar referendum.



  • You mentioned the EU and brexit, and thus I have a valid shoehorn.

    I'm watching the EU members and court actions (and UK fishery operators - regulators and commercial fisherpersons) with regard to sandeel fisheries. At this time, the ability(?) to control sandeel fisheries within UK waters may be (from my perspective) the only brexit bonus.