Our Great Tits fledged ~7 youngsters on the 14th of May.
One nest box of Blue Tits may well fledge tomorrow (5 chicks).
Our second nest box of Blue Tits, 7+ youngsters, are about a week behind that one.
Seems on a par with previous years :-)
Hi Mike, that is great to hear. Only 2 blue tits fledged this year for us and looks like i have lost them both already, we have great tits nest local too and appeara they only had low numbers fledge too. I have seemed to notice alot less juveniles this year for me
Definitely very good to hear of any successful Blue & Great Tit fledges this season as there have been so many reports of failures thus far ... maybe down to cool/wet/windy weather conditions plus lack of suitable insects & caterpillars on which they rely so heavily!
2013 photos & vids here
eff37 on Flickr
First Blue Tit Nest box ... 5 youngsters left the nest :-) ... Our second nest box of Blue Tits fledged yesterday ... at least 5 youngsters left the nest ... maybe as many as 7?
Fabulous news Mike!
Brilliant stuff Mike, are your boxes close together? And do you feel there is alot of food source nearby? I want to do another next year but didn’t know if it would complicate things, they was seeming to come back and forth alot with food with only 2 fledgling i didn’t want to make it to much competition in their territory