Magpie attack on blue tits

We have a secured bird box home which l believe a couple of blue tits nested there the last few weeks. We saw them fly in and out of the bird nest numerous times a day for weeks.We could hear the chicks for weeks.The loud chirping of the blue tits and the chicks has been very soothing.

However ,like a horror movie, yesterday, we witnessed Magpies attacking blue tits outside the nest.Unfortunately we saw blue tits in the beaks of the Magpies twice.It was a horror show. I am unsure if it was the chicks that just fledged and were caught by the blue tits.

Today the bird nest has been quiet. No blue tits flying in and out.

Does this mean the nest has been abandoned?Could there still be chicks in there?What do we do

  • Always a very sad end to what you hoped would be a successful nest and probably abandoned now that the Magpies have attacked ... there have been many posts about events such as these, and advice is generally the same in that it can't be prevented as it's laws of nature that small birds are going to be predated by larger birds especially at this time of the year when all have young to feed ... nestboxes should be left until end of season when they can be cleaned out and re-used, likely for winter roosting before next season's eggs are laid!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Hi Wendy

    Thanks for your reply and your advice.l thought as much it would be the laws of nature and survival of the fittest in action.

    Oh well sad end to their season this year.

    Last year was a good year as similar scenario and we witnessed the chicks fledge and fell to the soil, but the blue tit mum chirped so loud ,l think it served as a motivation and the baby chicks spread their wings and flew away successfully.

    We will look forward to the next season.

  • Fingers crossed it will be another successful one!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr