Once a very common garden visitor! Now very rare! Yet in my very own garden, I still have this rare visitor every year in my garden and with young! Can you guess?

The thing that this once very common garden visitor likes is being able to move between gardens. But with so many people putting security walls up around there gardens. The results no Hedgehogs in there gardens. I’ve got similar security. But I’ve managed to have entry at the bottom of my wall for the Hedgehogs to get through. Also when my neighbours where starting to put up similar security  like myself I I asked them do the same as me and explained the situation and they set yes. They might say no. But you can always ask. They may say no. Which would be sad! But no harm in asking. And last night around 8.00pm when walking up my front garden towards my front door and the security light came on. Guess what on my front lawn! WinkWinkWink Not the best photo as I didn’t want to put the flash light on to take this photo!

