My input after keeping away for a number of days, then briefly popping on a few times in last two.....I naively/incorrectly wrote to someone last week that I doubted we'd notice any difference with the change!
1) Broken links (that I knew of) have gone.
2) A member of staff is available for feedback, is responding, and has both the patience of a saint and is between a rock and a hard place.
1) Architecture. It was flagged well over a decade ago that the home page format doesn't work. It still doesn't. Webcam commentary and ospreys have proved popular, but need one entry to link off........not a free for all of filling most recent entries every Spring-Autumn.
2) UAT - unless and until it is used, I can only keep repeating, rollouts/upgrades will be a mess. Implementers testing their own work doesn't work....there is a reason why UAT was introduced and taken up across the globe.
There are 3) onwards but they pale into complete irrelevance compared to 1) and 2) and time should be spent entirely on those before, let's be honest, messing about with 3) onwards commences.
Any other organisation would have 'backed out' the change. A lot quicker and easier......assuming the prep was done correctly prior to the rollout.
Thanks for the clarification - there are some issues with the chronological order at the moment but hopefully if when you go to the post in question e.g. this thread, you should see the following. Underneath the original post you will then be shown 'top posts' and then underneath this you should see the 3 options of oldest (automated), votes and newest. If you click on 'newest' that should then take you to the newest post. As I mentioned, I know this isn't working in the way it is expected and has been raised as an issue, but please do let me know if you can't see those options. If you can't - if you could provide a screen shot that would be incredibly useful in us helping to identify the issue.
Hope that helps
Thank you
I can find a 'Top Replies' Heading under the initial post - but it is greyed out.
Hi Billysdad - if you scroll a little bit more under the 3 posts underneath the 'top replies' you should see the 3 options of oldest, votes, and newest?
They are in centred so not always the easiest to spot.
Yes I have found them now and clicked on 'Newest' as you suggest, and it works now. When I open that thread it just shows the original post, followed by the latest post. Presumably I will have to do this for each category do I? If I do it doesn't matter, it is a good workaround for now. Thanks for your help ...
Its gone back to the same format as the last upgrade 5 years ago - they will gradually get it back to the way we want it by reinventing the wheel they created 5 yers ago. Its just a shame they didn't test properly before installing this "Upgrade" which was originally described as "improving stability and having better SPAM handling.
Hi Billysdad - glad to hear you’re able to filter. I’ve captured the issues highlighted across a number of threads but for now, as you mentioned this is the best way to find the newest responses. Thank you
I am sorry, but this 'upgrade' really needs backing off. It is quicker and easier.....assuming the prep was done correctly prior to the rollout. I clicked on notifications this morning, and both led to 'page not found'. Hard to imagine either or both threads had been replied to and then got deleted!
The thread not found error is only on the official update thread that was started a couple of days before the upgrade Robbo, at least it's only that one for me