Rats can be a danger in your home and not just disease!


There have been lots of threads over the last 12 months and more about Rats. Some have been sentimental about Rats. Well I’m not! Rats can breed very fast and if Rats get into your home it’s not just the disease and damage that can be done. But Rats can naw through plaster but can cause fires by norwing through electric cables causing fires. And even if any holes are blocked of any entry into your home. Any trees close beside your home, Rats can climb trees and even enter via your roof. Also Rats can come up through the drains if damaged and even come up through the toilets, with the water in the toilets not stopping the rats as has been seen in documentaries on BBC TV in the past decades. Any signs of Rats in your home should be dealt with as quickly as possible as you may end up with an infestation of Rats which then will cost anyone with an infestation much more financially and more difficult to get rid of. I have no hesitation and no love of Rats and I don’t apologise as I call pest control out straight away!



  • Fortunately I have a pest controller living directly opposite me ... Slight smile. I hope he doesn't bring his work home ... Fearful

  • Let’s hope he does otherwise if you get an infestation your neighbours may complain to the local authority who have legal powers, as. I’m sure you know that!



  • www.pestdefence.co.uk/.../
    I’ve had to contact myLocal Authorities Environment section about my neighbour who has rats  in his garden. And I’ve had to bring all of my bird-feeders in weeks ago. I don’t apologise about this. Tried to talk to him. Also any local authority can legally enforce anyone to take there birdfeeders away from there garden including home owners if they are attracting Rats.. I probably won’t  get any likes for this But I definitely prefer Cats to Rats and other classified pests. If you don’t take action fast, Rats breed very quick and  you end up very quickly with an infestation of Rats. If you dont what I say, well sorry!. But that is how I feel!

