£30 million Tees Tidelands Programme Project Launched


The link above is a film involving the RSPB on a £30 million Tees Tidelands Programme Project in the county of Cleveland. As usual I found aboit this on one of the RSPB’s Facebook websites, that seems to have RSPB breaking news and not on the RSPB’s main website, as seems to be the case lots of times now sadly. And I do mean sadly. This sort of news was always on the main RSPB website. Which now is not always the case!



  • I do agree with you re Website. It needs maintaining properly. It should indeed be up to date and accurate, and a first point of access for new online visitors. One thing not discussed in previously raising these staffing & resourcing points, is it could be two different sets of people responsible for each and one set is far better than the other!
  • stealthybutnotthatstealthy said:
    I do agree with you re Website. It needs maintaining properly. It should indeed be up to date and accurate, and a first point of access for new online visitors. One thing not discussed in previously raising these staffing & resourcing points, is it could be two different sets of people responsible for each and one set is far better than the other!

    I don't often disagree with you Stealthy, but I think in this case it's not a case of one set of staff being better than the other. It is so easy to put things onto Facebook but a much more complicated process to update a website. What is missing is coordination and management - the two should be in synch.

  • Bobs_Retired said:

    I don't often disagree with you Stealthy, but I think in this case it's not a case of one set of staff being better than the other. It is so easy to put things onto Facebook but a much more complicated process to update a website. What is missing is coordination and management - the two should be in synch.


    Yes, I wasn't saying that was the reason, or a reason. It's bound to be a possibility though. That is how things are these days. Who these days hasn't bypassed someone, whether it's asking for a particular GP (that is believed to be better than the allocated one), or different Service Desk person who's failing to deal with an issue etc etc?

    Yes, coordinate better. Rollouts have been 'haphazard' and I've said so each time, incl the latest one that's 'flagged up' likelihood of links not working etc as part of the plan!

    It isn't complicated to update a website. Yes, typing a few sentences on facebook is easier. But a waste of someone's time if they're aiming the sentences at new visitors who don't use facebook. I stopped years ago. The website should be the primary source of info issued by RSPB in terms of policy, announcements etc. Any accounts RSPB wants to use on other platforms should only be getting updated after. Exceptions would be stuff like sightings or reserve specific events.

  • Well the new look refreshed RSPB website was supposed to be up and running by January 2024. Large parts of the main website still missing. Large part of the RSPB reserve listings still missing including the maps of most RSPB reserve still have not re-appeared. Far less information about those RSPB reserves. Updating of news from the RSPB website even less frequent than was the case. And less serious items since that upgrade from around 6 months ago. When the RSPB promised a refreshed new look website. I worried about that word refreshed. As often when that word is used. It often means less serious and less detail. And if that is the case. It’s not an improvement. But it is a retrograde step!

