Ouse Fen when complete will be the largest wetland in the UK and one of the largest in Europe!


By 2030 when hopefully Ouse Fen will become the largest wetland in the UK and one of the largest wetlands in Europe. In fact RSPB Ouse and the whole reserve by 2030 will be over 700 Hectares in total and the reedbed itself at its heart will be Europes largest,. Hopefully the whole reserve will be open by 2030. Large parts of Ouse Fen are already open. Article from 2023. Finally it will be much larger than the whole of the Norfolk Broads. Link above from a local Cambridgeshire Newspaper article in 2023. If your an old timer like myself and understand acresmore than hectares. I’ve had a look and this is approximately what 700 hectares is in acres below!



  • Hi-

    it's not far from me- 30m- I'm waiting for some more detailed info on access viewing distances and species :)


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