I posted the link to this programme about 2 years go as this BBC Winterwatch special in this one off episode about the winter of 1962-1963 the big freeze presented by Chris Packham in 2013 which was in that year. 50 years since the big freeze which in that winter in 1963 it is said about half the population of the UK’s wild bird population died. Above is he link from the BBC iPlayer to that broadcast in 2013. I was 10 years old in that winter. Also with the Met Office forecasting some really cold weather over the next week or more with some area’s possibly going to have some deep snow. Well I thought I would post this link again.
“All our environmental problems become easier to solve with fewer people, and harder – and ultimately impossible – to solve with ever more people.”
(David Attenborough)
National treasure or what? Some have tried to pin labels on him. And he is unpopular in some circles.
(If someone wants to sling stones at me? I am a lifetime member of popmat, much like Mr. Attenborough. This gets rather political and religous.)
Have you ever thought that about yourself?
Maybe that I
I thought you wasn't going to reply to me :) I must be rising in your opinions?
Humans are complex, easily confused and sometimes manipulated, and sometimes defy logic and deny science. Even High Court judges are guilty of that.
Politics and religion.