Two thirds of illegal confirmed illegal killing of birds of prey last year linked to shooting estates! Channel 4 News at 7.00pm Thursday 23rd November 2023

Two thirds of confirmed killings of birds of prey last year in 2022linked to shooting estates. Link below! And now working.



  • Sounds to me like it's your Ipad that needs an upgrade...yes there are problems here and there but ways can always be figured out around the obstacles .

    enjoy your day ponds need clearing of leaves ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I myself would be out today, but have house work to do today. Have a look at some other long term members of this forum, who felt the same as me and started posting about these same problem's before me and still do.



  • When you see those orange error boxes Ian you just need to refresh the thread before trying to attempt any editing!  Also check that you are still signed in!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Also I’ve had problems in signing in on safari browser. I have to try on other browsers. And i do know my password as well. And that happens  on my iPad regularly! And that has happened in recent upgrades. And you should know like me that is why many of the previous long term members left this forum over the so called many upgrades!



  • I use Google Chrome browser on my Samsung tablet and don't have any problems except if I get signed out and don't notice!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • So do I have Google Crome and it’s still happening.. And I have contacted the RSPB including the previous RSPB CEO and others. And despite that all of those problems. Also all of the RSPB’a various Twitter and Facebook websites have at least have 1 Moderator who is there to reply for help or for any problems. How many years since any regular Moderators have regularly posted on this. forum. Does that not give what the RSPB think about this forum. News items from the RSPB tend to appear first on the RSPB’s various Facebook and Twitter websites well before the Main RSPB’s main website let alone the RSPB Community. As I’ve said many times before, I will always criticise the RSPB or any other wildlife conservation organisation if necessary, but will praise them as well. I’m not like some will praise for praises sake like some do! No names mentioned!



  • Just a thought but looking at the screen shot you posted....perhaps the problem is you have way too many RSPB tabs open at the one time and this is causing the communication error between your ipad and the site. I too like Wendy have Samsung Tablet and it has happened to me before but I believe its just the Internet that has a blip connecting with RSPB server..not RSPBs fault!

    Also is your device rather old? That can have an impact on how things work..or don't!
    just my thoughts ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)