Stoats are being culled in Orkney and the RSPB are involved with this and on this occasion I do agree that this has to be done!

Stoats are being culled in Orkney by a number of Conservation organisations including the RSPB! There are occasions that difficult decisions have to be made and on this occasion I do agree that this has to be done! I someI know some won’t like this happening. But as a long time RSPB member sometimes this has to be done. To understand the reason. Read the article in the first link. And then listen to the 45 minutes podcast in the second link from the RSPB in Scotland!



  • Although the broadcast is relatively recent, the article is old and the story even older. You might recall the 'cats' thread that got out of control. I made the point back then of feral cats being caught in traps v native stoats, and an apparent different treatment given to equivalent threats to ground nesting birds.....I am sure I read somewhere a feral cat had been caught and RSPB was apologetic. I personally don't understand the difference or why protecting ground nesting birds from a native species is crucial but protecting the same birds from an escaped/released/descendant pet is unnecessary.