Storm Ciaran

I hope all our SW peeps are ok.  PB are you far enough inland to have avoided damage? 

The boys and I are safe, currently no power and can’t safely leave the house as it’s my trees that have brought the lines down and the car is also under some of it.  I’ll update and post photos once it’s safe to go out.  The power company and tree team can’t actually get to the area due to trees down all around.  I’ve got off lightly compared to some down on the East of the Island

Boys are a bit fed up 


Cin J

  • Glad to hear yous are OK C...I did mention you when I done my garden post this morning....hope that's the worst of it over now ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • So pleased to hear from you Caroline that you and your boys are safe, was about to mention you and hoping you could access the forum! Hope you can be rescued soonest and get the power back! Just read that there was a tornado & some injuries on Jersey! I am in East Kent and pleased to report not so bad as forecast and no damage or debris here in the chalk quarry just noisy & wet!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Glad you're all good Cin, thought of you when I heard you were forecast 100 mile an hour gusts! We're ok here,, it's blowy but been worse. Not been out, but thru choice not dangerous conditions! Thanks for your thoughts.
    I expect snappys got blue skies and Linda has probably had a wader influx Joy
  • Glad you both are okay Cin and PB, and anyone else who has been affected. Some awful stories and photos on the news. Thankfully me up in the far north has not been affected, this time round! A lovely autumn day, no wind and only light rain since late afternoon. Hope the boys get out soon, when safe Cin, and your power is restored soon as well.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Stay safe.

    I'm currently under an active 'flood warning' (issued earlier today). However, I think I know why, and my local assessment is that it isn't going to impact. IMO. Perhaps I can read/interpret OS maps and related data better than the Environment Agency.

    I just have to hope I'm correct.

    If I am, some may then say the flood alert system is a bit 'alarmist'. Which (generally) it isn't. Sometimes it over-estimates, sometimes it under estimates. It has improved a lot over the past decade, but it is having to play catch-up.
  • Got away with it in my location in South West Devon. The wind got up to 54 mph but much much worse elsewhere.
  • Update.
    The electricity company finally managed to get through to me yesterday afternoon. They have made my lines safe and we’re able to clear the lines in the garden for my neighbors. They also cleared part of the drive for me so I can at least get out for essential supplies and water. The first thing they asked me when they got here was if I needed any milk or bread etc.
    I got out today and the damage around the island is worse than 87
    Hopefully I may have power restored later next week meanwhile the dogs and I will pretend we are camping and I’ll be accepting my friends kinds offer of showers

    Cin J

  • Great to have an update Caroline but it sounds pretty horrendous especially having to wait so long for power to be restored, good to know that you have friends to help out, hope your two enjoy the 'camping' experience! Take great care!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • It’s pretty awful to say the least.  

    He was determined to try and help with the clear up 

    Cin J

  • Pup is so adorable, is that your car Caroline, any damage?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr