Thoughts of a Former Conservation Director of the RSPB gives his personal views on the 2023. RSPB AGM.

The link above is link to a former RSPB Conservation Director of the RSPB. Interesting thought and I think the same as well after Saturdays 2023 RSPB’s AGM of which I watched and asked a question as well.



  • I don't think the RSPB is outspoken enough.

    I'm sure there are every good and valid reasons why they take the actions they do, but after seeing how the RSPB and OTHER conservation organisations didn't strongly voice their concerns in parliamentary sessions discussing HS2, I think ALL conservation organisations needed to shout out more.

    I'm NOT criticising the RSPB, nor the other conservation organisations, because I don't know what brief they had to attend those meetings. It could be they could only attend in an observation role and not allowed much, if any voice.

    But I think Chris Packham recently raised a very valid point about being polite vs outspoken.



  • Unknown said:
    I don't think the RSPB is outspoken enough.

    You duly win the award for this year's understatement.

    Unknown said:
    I'm NOT criticising the RSPB, nor the other conservation organisations, because I don't know what brief they had to attend those meetings. It could be they could only attend in an observation role and not allowed much, if any voice.

    Knowing our terrible government I can imagine your last sentence being the case.  They'll pretend they consulted the real conservation organisations, having gagged them first.  Saying that, they will probably have checked that the HS2 route didn't inconvenience any big shoots or fox hunts.

    Unknown said:
    But I think Chris Packham recently raised a very valid point about being polite vs outspoken.

    He raises lots of valid points on many things.  I have a huge amount of time for him.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Unknown said:

    But I think Chris Packham recently raised a very valid point about being polite vs outspoken.

    Agreed. I think this is far more important. He also referred to law breaking in one posting.....not got the direct quote so won't add more to that. I do think words are far more effective and constructive, and it needs to continue to come from high profile people with clout. I think getting on people's nerves by blocking roads or throwing paint around ends up losing support and increasing opinions like, 'extremism' when really tackling climate change, for example, really is mainstream.