Spillage from bird feeder attracting pigeons and squirrels

I have recently started using the Squirrel Buster bird feeder, which is attracting many sparrows and tits.

However, the smaller birds are messy/fussy eaters and they spill a lot onto the ground, which then attracts pigeons and squirrels. I fear that it might in the future attract rats as well.

I have tried using a wheat-free seed blend, as I understand that sparrows don't really like wheat and will discard it, but it hasn't made any difference to the amount ending up on the ground. I therefore had a couple of questions:

  • Can anyone recommend seed blends which the smaller birds won't spill or cherry-pick from?
  • Are there pigeon/squirrel-hostile "drip trays" available for feeders like this?

I'd be very grateful for assistance. I do also have a peanut feeder which doesn't lead to wastage, but I would like to use a seed blend feeder as well in order to maximise the range of small birds I attract. 

  • Members have created their own drip trays in the past by attaching lids or trays to the underside of the feeder.

    Rats will be around so some ways to help deter is to use a 'clean' feed - no wheat as you have said and shelled sunflowers so no husks are being thrown about ; remove feeders at night; vary feeding places and rake where feeders have been; feed once a day and minimal amounts.

    Cin J

  • Thank you for your reply.

    In relation to home-made drip trays, is there a way to stop pigeons and squirrels simply going on to them? (I suspect that they may be too unstable to take the weight of a pigeon or squirrel, but I am not sure).
  • they tend to swing a bit more so hopefully put the pigeons off - squirrel can be a bit more determined. The other thing is to possibly invest in guardian/ squirrel proof feeders

    Cin J

  • Hi James...my feeders are pigeon proof as at one point I had up to 25 in the garden...also squirrel proof as I had a fair fewnof them aswell....

    Stand alone feeding pole with a parasol base  but the pole does hammer into ground...easier to move about if it has a base...pole has a baffle dome attached so no squirrels can get up...just gotta make sure the pole is far enough away from a launch pad as they can leap far!

    2 ordinary so called squirrel proof feeders but with 2 hanging baskets  (£3 each from wilkos but now on sale due to stores closing)around each feeder to create more protection from the pigeons...baskets attached by tiewraps ...the hanging trays are actually  a cheap double feeder that's was on ropes I got from b&ms...only a couple of quid...also attached with tie wraps...and heyho we have pigeon and squirrel proof feeders.....a couple of pigeon still circle below for spillage but there is very little these days.

    Woodpeckers can still get access 

    Sparrowhawks don't lol

    Hope this helps a little as I have tried and tested many methods over the years and this seems to work

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thank you for this. I love the picture of the sparrowhawk -- I saw one take a great tit in my garden the other week (which was a surprise in central London!).

    Could I just check again what your green drip trays are? I didn't quite understand from your post.
  • Oh the sprawks are magnificent birds to watch James ...I love having mine around.

    The spillage trays are the feeder below..deconstructed (reduced to £1.50 now in B&Ms

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)