
We love our garden and the huge variety of birds we have in it. We retired last year and now we have the time have made the garden our focus of enjoyment, investing thousands of pounds making it lovely for our family. However, after replacing all the fencing on both sides of the garden, some 22 in total, having the patio made larger and re-laid, and investing in new outdoor dining furniture, benches and ornaments, the huge wood pigeons have absolutely ruined all of it. They sit on the fence and poo all down it, almost every panel. All the climbing roses and shrubs are absolutely covered in it. Our porcelain tiled patio, despite one of us going out to clean up the poo every morning before it sets solid, is now stained and our garden furniture has been put away. Our hanging basket brackets are caked in pigeon poo and its only May!!!

We bought some spikes but they have limited success and of course they can't be fixed to everything. We cut back trees which overhung furniture and sprayed the hanging basket brackets etc. with WD40 which we understood they hate the smell of, but nothing has worked. We are so upset by all this and the piles and piles of pigeon poo which is building up underneath bushes and trees is disgusting.  As we have to clear it up every day, goodness knows what its going to be like when we get back from holiday. Does anyone have any suggestions? We looked on several websites for scarers but people have differing views and success. We just want our garden back!!

  • I feel for you, my balcony is destroyed by these. Beautiful cooing, lovely looking birds, but why did god give them such fertile asses ?
    I have tried high powered nerf gun with very limited success, they know where the food is and will come back for it - that is nature, I have heard of providing separate food source in an open location so that they ignore the other sources, but the way these flying piglets trough it down, that seems like a way to rack and ruin.
    The only effective way I have found is to starve them (and unfortunately all other birds) of any food source. I no longer use a bird seed feeder since they simply wait until the resourceful magpie does its jump up and bash the feeder, or until the sparrows have sloshed it all on the floor below. I have a peanut feeder which is now wired into place to avoid this "magpie bash", a nyger seed feeder, which the pigeons do not seem to like, but will eat if desperate, and have reintroduced a sunflower heart feeder but with small holes.
    It takes a few fruitless reconnaissance trips by porky and his fat friend bess to get the message, but (touch wood - or not as it is covered in poo), I seem to be getting almost no activity now.
    Sorry to bear bad news, but I hope this is helpful.