Sometimes wildlife conservation organisations have to take unpopular decisions!

These are two articles. First article from today 23 April 2023 titled; RSPB employing people to kill Foxes and Crows away from public view.- Telegraph: Subscription to read whole article. First link now working

Second article from 2020; 598 Foxes killed by the RSPB in one year - The reality of conservation in the 21st century - Jason Endfield.

I should say this is well known. Most UK wildlife conservation organisation have had to take unpopular decisions many times. But they have been essential. That is a fact of Wildlife conservation.



  • Two observations.

    The RSPB stick to lethal control as a method of last resort.

    They record and publish an accurate number for when lethal control is used.

    Which (IMO) is unique.
  • This has been happening for years. I can also tell you about county wildlife trusts doing this as well. But at Eastern Moors this has been happening for quite a lot of years now. And there are reports not just from those two links I posted. I actually support the RSPB as I’ve known about this as well for many years.



  • I think my point was that other so-called "conservation" oriented organisations (who include the word "conservation" in their chosen name) don't have accurate records of their lethal control methods.

    Out of season it is illegal to operate lethal control methods on dispersed bird species raised and introduced for the purpose of them being shot. e.g. pheasants.