incessant drumming woodpacker

I have lived at my current address for 30 years and in the past only very occasionally heard a woodpecker (once or twice a year). In that time I only saw a woodpecker once, a green woodpecker on my lawn not drumming. This year there is a great spotted woodpecker which is drumming many times each day and has been doing so for a month now. It has shown remarkable ingenuity and started to drum on some metallic facade on a nearby house so greatly increasing the volume of its drumming. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed a great increase in woodpacker drumming or if anyone can suggest a reason for the many fold increase in drumming frequency. I am guessing it is trying to attract a mate or marking territory, have never seen it eating after drumming

  • Hi-

    sounds like advertising for a mate or enforcing its territiry- Woodpeckers do use other sorts of resonant posts as well as trees :)


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